Ep 078: How We Agile: Home Projects

Ep 078: How We Agile: Home Projects

Today we’re talking about home projects – anything that will improve your home life. We were just working on an entryway solution. You start in your sprint planning by identifying what is the goal. Write all the items that belong on backlog like research...
Ep 077: 3 Reasons to Use Dakboard

Ep 077: 3 Reasons to Use Dakboard

What is Dakboard, anyway? It’s a website that allows you to set up a display for your daily schedule and sprint goals. (If you have any questions about the technical connection, see how Scott Hansleman did it or buy it preloaded.) I love Dakboard for many...
Ep 076: Quiet Reflections & What You Need

Ep 076: Quiet Reflections & What You Need

Daily Standups are a time to build in your self-care time and time to reflect and receive feedback. In the Sprint Planning Phase you will be mapping out projects and the Sprint Retro is going to be the feedback stage. Before you dive into either of these, you need to...