In MI worked onThis year I decided to commit to real change in my life. Okay, I honestly commit to change a lot with Agile. We are constantly making progress toward our goals with little iterations on projects or goal markers, but I knew that I also needed to make real change to myself as a person. That meant that I needed to commit to things I knew would help my mental, physical, and emotional health. 


This year I bought the Commit30 journal, and I got started. 


I’ve completed almost 3 months when you are reading this article, and it’s going so well. 


But I learned that motivation just isn’t enough


I know that motivation isn’t enough, because I’ve wanted to meditate every single day for like 2 years only to fall off the wagon like a million times. I’m sure I’ll fall off again, but I also know that this time will be different. I know because now I’ve done the thing that creates real change and made it a habit. 


I read once that it takes 28 days to make something a habit. I’m not sure there is a magic number, but I do know that when we start to do something every single day we notice when it’s gone and that does take a build-up of time. 


I held myself accountable with my journal and stickers and it made all the difference. 


In February, I worked on drinking my daily protein shake. It’s something that I need to drink in order to get a few extra leafy greens and extra essential grams of protein in my day. I’ll admit that I was eating less than the average person was recommended to eat in a day so I added the protein shake AND pumpkin seeds as snacks. They are tasty and easy to do without adding too much extra work to my day. 


What is a habit that you want to commit to in 2021? Can you get started now? I’ll be happy to be your accountability partner. Email me