The #1 question I get lately is related to Agile buy in. 

How do I get my family to buy in? 

Honestly, it’s easy when it comes to the children and I’m only going to address them today.

Kids buy-in from the sheer description of Agile, because they are constantly treated in a waterfall way. They are told what they will do and how they will do it by parents, administrators, teachers, and community members throughout their everyday lives. 

So when you present to your children an ideology that allows them to be an active participant in their parenting, they are all in. 

Buy-in is immediate. The important thing here is following through. 


If you promise the kids, you’ll listen to them and take their ideas into consideration then you have to actually practice what you are saying. You cannot say it and then go about business as usual. This will do the opposite of build trust in the system. 

We started by asking the kids for their input on solving 1 problem. This is a problem many of you may have experienced. 

Have you walked into your kid’s room and wondered why they have dirty clothes EVERYWHERE?

I saw you nodding your head! 

We asked the kids for solutions to this problem and we wrote down ALL their answers. This included things like throw away their clothes, give them 10000 pieces of chocolate for every piece they put in the hamper and put the hamper between the two bedrooms so they could easily access it. 

I’m sure you can guess which we chose but the laughs created by the others helped to ease the stress on laundry collection plus fostered a better relationship with our children. 

What is a problem you’re experiencing your kid’s can have a solution for? Every single thing on your backlog. 

Get started now! You can learn all about getting started with Agile in Your Agile Home The Course! Buy here!