So you’re ready to host your first daily scrum….Now what. 


Oh wait, you’re not ready….get my mini-course for your daily scrum here and get started! 


Now that I have your attention and you’re ready let’s talk about how to set your agenda. 


A daily scrum is the time of day where you’ll talk about the logistics of your day, your self-care time, what you’re going to complete as part of the sprint, and any blocks you may have keeping you from completing sprint items.


I like to sit down the night before our morning meeting and look at my schedule for the next day. I like to think about when I think I can fit my self-care time in and if there is anything related to the current sprint I can talk about in the morning meeting. You can listen to our podcast episode about why you need quiet reflection time here: [insert link].


Let’s take tomorrow as an example for me.


Tomorrow I have:

*virtual school from 8:30a – 12p

*1:15p appt 

*7:30p kids bedtime

*adult laundry


Upon looking at this I believe I have 2 gaps for self-care time. I can take a few minutes between 12:30-1. I usually use this for a 10 min meditation while the kids play in their rooms or their toy room. Then I can have some more time after the kids go to bed for extended things like yoga. Adult laundry always happens on Monday and is usually split between the 2 adults in our household. 


What’s on our current sprint?


For us, we are attempting to paint the downstairs bathroom with the correct type of paint. When we moved in the previous owners had used some paint that will hold onto moisture so we need to change it out. 


What do I need?


I need a new paintbrush.


So I will bring this up in tomorrow’s daily scrum so that we can put it on the shopping list and order it this week. 


Have I completed anything?


We are at the beginning of a new sprint so I have not.


And now I have my agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.


What’s on your plate tomorrow?