Welcome to the How We Agile Series! We’ll be talking about all of the ways that we Agile using Scrum, Khanban and more! 

Recently we moved and we agiled this massive task.

I started with a whiteboard with To Do, In Progress, and Done sections. We broke tasks up into 2 week blocks. I recommend using a moving timeline off of Google. Another top tip is to color code your boxes.

We broke the whole thing down into very small pieces, prioritized each piece and made sure we didn’t pack anything we needed.

Do you have a big move coming up? Listen to this episode so you can Agile your move, too!

Don’t forget to come hang out with me on Instagram or in the Facebook Group!

moving< data-pin-description=”Moving is a massive task but it doesn’t have to be stressful if you use my Agile method to break it down and prioritize.” />