Listen, I know we are all overwhelmed with the number of times people mention we need to be more intentional with our parenting. It always sounds like something that is going to require things from you that you aren’t sure you can find the time for in your schedule when you’re already doing your very best. So let me just say that you’re doing a great job. You’re the best parent you can be right now, and you’re doing your best for your child.

I believe this because I believe in the premise that people are always trying the best they can because they want to be their very best selves. We aren’t always able to achieve our best self because of a million reasons, but I believe we are all trying with our abilities, resources, and support.

So what do I mean by intentional parenting if it isn’t finding more hours in your day?

Well, I mean you need to set your family values, mission statement, and of course, set your goals. In order to be intentional, you must have your proverbial north star. 

I’ve got a few worksheets you can pick up here to get you started! 

Truthfully knowing your family values and mission statement will make setting your goals easy. 

I started in much the way I recommend you to do in the worksheet. I sat down and Googled a list of value words and created a list. I was so nervous because I was doing it by myself. I was too nervous to take the list to my husband and do it together. 

Hey! It’s a vulnerable moment to really put your values onto paper. 

I knew that my husband and I would have the same core values, but I also worried that we wouldn’t. I clearly married someone who would be on the same page with me, but I took him my sheet to him with shaking hands and voice. 

You’ll be thankful to know that we are still happily married today and that he agreed wholeheartedly with my assessment of our family’s core values. I mean we changed 1 word when we got together because we just thought it fit our definition of our value best.

See, I had no reason to be nervous.

I’m telling you this story so that if you download this worksheet and start to feel nervous you’ll know that it’s totally a real thing that happens. 

But now that you have your values set, you can enjoy a life of intentional parenting. All of your decisions and Agile goals will go toward those values. 

If you had to guess what would you say is your #1 core value as a family?