Ep 154 A Sprint Planning Example

Ep 154 A Sprint Planning Example

You can support this podcast at: patreon.com/youragilehome youragilehome.substack.com I get a lot of questions about how we plan our sprints.  The basics are: We break down the tasks and determine how long it will take. Recently, we decided to install a pot rack over...
The Joy of Intentional Parenting

The Joy of Intentional Parenting

Listen, I know we are all overwhelmed with the number of times people mention we need to be more intentional with our parenting. It always sounds like something that is going to require things from you that you aren’t sure you can find the time for in your schedule...
Ep 153 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself

Ep 153 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself

SIGN UP: Substack Patreon Investing in yourself is vital, and I’ve been trying to do a lot of it during this pandemic.  Have you been investing in yourself? Here are some ways you can invest in yourself: 1. Set up a space for you 2. Get Organized 3. Hire a coach...
Ep 152 What’s in My Winter Self-Care Basket

Ep 152 What’s in My Winter Self-Care Basket

Sign up to make sure you don’t miss any Your Agile Home Content Substack Patreon Winter is a time that can be difficult for everyone. So what’s in my winter self-care basket?  First, I’d like to remind that a self-care basket is a basket or a couple...
10 Things I Do Before Bed Every Night to Wind Down

10 Things I Do Before Bed Every Night to Wind Down

This year I was talking to my doctor about the fact I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. Anyone else up tossing and turning? Anyone else have a brain that just won’t shut off at night?  Anyone else wake up multiple times a night?  I mean honestly I wasn’t sure if it...